Email feedback on own homepage

This case will show you how to collect email feedback on your own pages using a proactive form.

Step 1: Create the form

To start, create the feedback form that you want to use for email feedback.

Step 2: Activate the widget

The second step is to activate the widget, you do that by clicking on the ‘Use as feedback widget in email’ toggle under ‘BLOCK'. Click 'GET WIDGET HTML’.

Step 3: Deploy the form

The next step is to add the form to the deployment with a URL condition that is specific to the email. To get more information on deploying a form, look at this article: How do I deploy my feedback forms?. The URL condition has to be based on a part of the query string of the URL. The query string is the part at the end of the URL starting with a question mark.

In the example below, the email form would be triggered on the homepage of Mopinion when the query string starts with ‘email’. It’s possible to choose a different or more specific query string. Not setting the URL or query string specific enough could trigger the form for users who did not land on the page because of giving feedback in the email.

The other important settings in the deployment are the ‘Refresh condition settings per visitor after … days’ and setting the form to proactive. This way the form will pop up when the user is sent to the homepage from the email and will appear each time they click on one of the options in the email. If this is not set correctly, the data will not be collected and customers will land on the homepage without a form being shown. This will possibly be a confusing experience for the user.

Step 4: Test

When the settings in the deployment have been set you can test them by using the URL condition and navigating to that URL.

Step 5: Add URL to snippet

Now the URL has to be added to the snippet. To do this, you can edit the URL in the HTML of the snippet. The snippet works with links for each option in the snippet. Each link uses a part of the query string to forward the selected answer in the form.

Here is an example of the snippet before editing:

In the snippet, there are 2 links. One for thumbs down and one for thumbs up. You can find them after href. Now, this snippet needs to be changed to point to the homepage with the query string set in the deployment while still containing the information about which answer was selected.

You have to change the original URL for the thumbs up in the snippet to point to the page set in the deployment. Then, we have to edit the query string such that it starts with ‘email’ instead of ‘thumbs’. email=test was added. You can choose any value here. You could also use that value in the deployment.

After ‘test’ an ampersand is added to start another argument in the query string. This is the thumbs argument that is used to send information on which answer was selected. This is formatted like thumbs_<id>=positive. Similarly, for the thumbs down URL, but with the value negative, instead of positive.

This is what your snippet will probably look like.

Now the snippet should be available for testing and you should land on the homepage and see the form with the value selected in the email.