Already completed thank you page

Mopinion forms are always available via the Mopinion public landing page. In some cases, you might want your visitors to complete a form on a public landing page only once. With an additional custom JavaScript, you can show an alternative thank you page when the form has already been submitted.

How does it look?

The basic layout of the page.

Within this page, we can amend the following four elements. These elements can also be hidden.









any image



any text



any image



any text


How to implement it?

We will use the script fill_survey_once.js to make the custom thank you page available.

Please reach out via or your Mopinion customer success manager if you are interested in this particular setup. We will provide you with a personal script.

The script is added per form. See or open the collapsed content Where to add the script below on how you can add the script.


File name

File URL

File scope

File name

File URL

File scope

any name with logical reference to the functionality of this file

provided by Mopinion

Outside and inside form dialog

How does it work?

In the localStorage, it is stored whether in this browser the form has been submitted before. Per form, the stored key will be survey-{form_key} and the value feedback_send. As long as this key and value are present the custom page will show.

There is no duration set for how long this already-submitted page will show. Clear local storage via the browser console to make the survey available again.

localStorage.clear(); location.reload();

Or open the form in an incognito browser session.

Be aware: The survey might flash before you see the custom thank you page. This is because the survey is loaded before this custom script loaded. The custom script makes sure the survey is entirely removed and replaced by the custom page.