How do I copy a form?

How do I copy a form?

In the form overview page select the three dots menu.

Select Duplicate form.

The following modal will open. Here you can (A) name the duplicated form, (B) define in which report this duplicate form should be saved, and check (C) whether you would like to open the duplicated form in the editor.

After selecting DUPLICATE the form will be copied and saved in the specified report.

Depending on your selection you get a corresponding confirmation that the form was duplicated.

Duplicate a form in the same report without opening the editor (B)

Duplicate a form and directly open it in the editor (B+C)

Duplicate a form in another report (select a different report at B)

Duplicate a form in the same report without opening the editor (B)

Duplicate a form and directly open it in the editor (B+C)

Duplicate a form in another report (select a different report at B)

You will see the duplicated form in the form overview.

The duplicated form is showing in the editor.

In the form overview page, you will see a notification Form duplicated.


If a form is copied it will have the same content elements and design as the original. The form will have a new and unique ID and formkey.


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