How do I create an export template?

How do I create an export template?

If you use the same settings for an export frequently, it is convenient to create an export template. This article will explain how you can do this.

Step 1:

There are 2 ways to create an export template. The first way is via ‘Feedback inbox’>'Export feedback'>'Advanced export', and select the ‘Save settings as template’-box in step 3, ‘Export settings’.

The second option is via ‘Feedback exports’>'Export templates'>'New export template'.

In this case, you first need to customise your template, but you do not need to tick the ‘Save settings as template’-box in step 3, ‘Export settings’, anymore.

Step 2: Template settings

In ‘Export settings’, you can edit the template settings. Give your template a name and description. You can also choose to make the template available to all users within the report or only to you.

Use a template

If you have created a template, there are 2 ways to find your template. The first way is via ‘Feedback inbox’>'Export feedback'>'Export from template'.

A pop-up will appear, where you can select the desired template in the dropdown.

The other way is via ‘Feedback exports’>'Export templates', here you will find all your templates.

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