Best practices access groups
Before you dive in and start creating access groups it is advisable to consider how your setup of Mopinion supports and matches your current organisational needs. The article How to adopt new software across an entire organisation is a good starting point to come to a structured approach.
When you add a user to your Mopinion account you need to assign her/him at least one access group. By default, Mopinion provides 2 access groups, Owners and Admins. These access groups have editing rights for (nearly) all sections and reports. However, we can imagine that these Mopinion-defined access groups do not always suffice. Especially in large enterprises with multiple teams, divisions, roles, and countries, we understand the need for more options. Therefore we made the user management customizable. To give you an idea of the possibilities we listed some possible access group setups below.
Mopinion defined access groups
Owner (not-editable)
Users in the owner group have access to all reports and edit rights on all sections. Additionally, they have edit access to the billing section of the platform. You can only change which users are inside the owner group.
Admin (not-editable)
Users in the admin group have access to all reports and edit rights on nearly all sections. Additionally, they have viewing access to the billing section of the platform. You can only change which users are inside the admin group.
Suggested access groups
Organised by task
If you have a dedicated frontend designer that is responsible for a consistent look and feel of your forms you might consider locking the design section for all other access groups. This way only the designer can make changes to the form styling, while others can select the design he/she made.
Application owner
If you have an application owner that is not operationally using Mopinion but only needs to manage the users and access right it can be handy to create an access group that only gives editing rights to the reports section.
Make sure your finance department is added to the owner access group so they have editing rights in the billing section.
Website Content Manager
If you have a content manager or external agency that manages your website, but does not use Mopinion for feedback collection and analysis an access group might be usefull. You can give only them access to the Mopinion deployment section. That way they can retrieve the Mopinion deployement code to implement on the website. And they can use the Mopinion deployment manager to manage which forms are active on your website.
Organised by country
If your organisation is organised by country it might make sense to have access groups and reports based on countries.
Organised by functionality
If your organisation is organised by functionality it might make sense to have access groups and reports based on functionalities.