How to host Mopinion on your own servers?

Mopinion offers you to download and install our deployment and survey JavaScript packages into your own JavaScript codebase. You can get our packages and installation instructions here:

Mopinion Deploy allows you to easily install Mopinion deployments into your application without using external JavaScript. Usually, you'll want to use Mopinion Deploy together with Mopinion Survey so you don't have any dependencies for external JavaScript. Mopinion Deploy is used to handle where, when, and why forms should show. It is connected to the Mopinion deployment managers. All settings from the deployment manager are handled by this package.

Mopinion Survey allows you to easily render Mopinion surveys into your application and collect feedback without using external JavaScript. Usually, you'll want to use Mopinion Survey together with Mopinion Deploy so you don't have any dependencies for external JavaScript. Mopinion Survey is used to render the form content, style, and logic and handle the submission of the feedback data. All settings from the form builder are handled by this package.

What are the pros and cons of hosting Mopinion on our own servers?


  • Enhanced security: From a security standpoint not requiring any third-party JavaScript is a big plus. This also means your CSP headers for the script-src directive don’t have to be modified to use Mopinion.

  • Version control: You can control when to update your Mopinion version and can include testing in your own release cycle.


  • Bugfixes and new features may take longer to reach you since the packages have to be manually updated and deployed by your developers.

  • Including a new deployment on your page might take more time since they would have to be manually added by your developers.