How do I see how customers interact with the form?

How do I see how customers interact with the form?


The Mopinion Metric are turned on by default. If they have been turned off see https://mopinion.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BADCcg how to turn them on again.

Go to the metrics overview.

To go to the metrics overview, click on Data collectionFeedback forms.


Choose the form for which you want to see the Mopinion metrics and click on the three dots menu image-20240325-114732.png at the bottom of the block. You will see the metrics overview after you have clicked on the 'View metrics' image-20240325-114939.png button.


Reading the metrics


The overview entails 5 metrics:

A. Shown: Total

B. Shown: Unique

C. Completed

D. Closed before complete

E. Response rate

A. Shown: Total

The total number of times your form was shown to your customers.

B. Shown: Unique

If within 30 minutes after the initial showing of the form, the form is shown again this is considered to be one shown.

C. Completed

The total number of times your form was completed and submitted.

D. Closed before complete

The number of times the form has opened, but closed before submitting the form.

E. Response rate

The percentage of forms that were opened and then submitted.


It is possible to filter on URL and date range.

F. Refresh

The metrics will load and be cached. To update the metrics' results use the refresh image-20240325-115128.png button.

G. Filter on URL

The metric results are based on all feedback results of a form. If you want to check for a specific URL or a pathname just enter it in this filter.

H. Date range

There are preset data range options that you can view the metrics by. Select the date range image-20240325-115316.png button to select your preferred date range.



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