How do I reply to feedback by email?

How do I reply to feedback by email?

If the feedback result includes an email address from your customer or website visitor, it is possible to reply directly by email. Just follow these steps if you're not sure how to do this:

Step 1: Feedback inbox

Click on Reporting at the sidebar and go to Feedback inbox.


Step 2: Feedback item

Select the feedback result you want to use. Make sure your date selection and report are correct (so as to prevent searching for a specific feedback item under the wrong date selection or report) and click on the feedback item.

Step 3: Reply

Once you've clicked on the feedback item, you will be presented with various feedback details regarding the feedback item. Click on the 'reply' button. (This button is only available if the respondent has filled in his/her email address). 

A modal will show where you can reply to your respondent directly. If you have created standard response templates (see below for more information) then you can select these here as well to use these texts in your response.

When an email has been sent the message is added to ‘Email Conversations’. If you click on the message a modal will show with details of the mail that was sent.


Standard responses

Sometimes you will receive similar kinds of feedback by email from different customers. By creating standard answer templates for these feedback items, your team members are able to reply quickly and easily. Read the following article on how to add standard responses.


If you would like to see all feedback items for which you have sent an email, you can, on the right-hand side of the feedback inbox, filter on ‘With sent email replies’.