How do I build an in-app feedback form with the mobile SDK?

How do I build an in-app feedback form with the mobile SDK?

Mopinion offers mobile SDKs for iOS and Android apps, to collect in-app feedback with native feedback forms. Please see this page for more details about the SDKs.

To run our mobile SDK (Software Development Kit) you would first have to install the SDK in your Android or iOS app.

Once installed you can build feedback forms in our platform, which will be rendered dynamically in a native interface in your app. Below you will find a step by step instruction to build a mobile in-app feedback survey, how to add it to your SDK deployment and how to preview the survey in our demo app.


The SDKs can be found here with installation instructions for mobile developers:

Lightweight SDK:

Android: GitHub - mopinion/mopinion-sdk-android-web: Mopinion Mobile web SDK for Android

iOS: GitHub - mopinion/mopinion-sdk-ios-web: Mopinion Mobile web SDK for iOS


SDK for Apps built with React Native

Android: GitHub - mopinion/mopinion-sdk-android: Mopinion Mobile SDK for android

iOS: GitHub - mopinion/mopinion-sdk-ios: Mopinion Mobile SDK for iOS


We also offer a React Native package:


If you are looking to build a regular feedback form for mobile web (web-based and responsive instead of native), please check this article: How to build a feedback form?

Step 1: Feedback forms

Go to ‘Data collection’ on the left of the page and click on ‘Feedback forms’.

Step 2: New form

If you haven't made any feedback forms yet, an empty page with just one option 'New form' will appear. Click on this button.

Step 3: In-App Mobile Feedback

Then select the In-App Mobile Feedback Form option and click ‘Start from scratch’: