Mopinion offers the possibility to integrate feedback data into other applications using webhooks. It is possible to set up a webhook to connect to Slack,, Trello and Asana. There is also a possibility to create a webhook for a general JSON payload. This is useful when you want to connect to an application other than the ones listed above. In that case, you'll most likely want to connect to a third party like Zapier.

To start working with webhooks you will need three things:

We are going to assume that you already have at least one form, if that is not the case then you can follow this article to get started with that first.

Add a data source

Webhook settings are accessible through Integrations > Webhooks. Click on ‘New webhook’ and select webhook type.

Create an endpoint

Creating an endpoint for the incoming webhooks differs per program:




Setting up the webhook conditions

Now that you have created an endpoint, all that is left to do is set up the conditions for when feedback results should be sent. First, select the data source you would like to use, then, give the webhook a name.

That's it, you are now all set up to receive incoming feedback in the application of your choice! If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask our support team.